
How To Play Five


Number of Players: 2-6

Requirements: 1 full pack of 52 playing cards. Jokers are optional.

Objective: Earn less points than everybody else, stay away from the score limit.

Set Up

First, agree on a score limit. Every hand, you will earn some points, and those points will be added to your running total. If you set a score limit, of say, 200, players who reach 200 are eliminated and removed from the game. The last player alive wins the game. The larger your score limit, the more hands you need to play to end the game.


  1. Play a hand. They usually take 2-15 minutes to finish.
  2. At the end of the hand, everyone will have a score. Add that score to a running total for every player.
  3. Players who have passed the agreed upon score total are eliminated.
  4. The game ends when only 1 person remains — that person is the winner.

Playing a Hand

At the beginning of every hand, every player is dealt 5 cards. Don’t let other players see your hand! 1 card is placed facing up in the middle (this is the discard pile), and the remaining cards are placed faced down in a deck next to the discard pile. Players take turns playing until the round ends, rotating in a circular fashion so that every player has 1 chance to play before the lap restarts.

Every turn, you have a choice to either play, or end the hand. You can’t do both.

Playing Your Turn

Your score for your hand is calculated by adding up the total value of the cards in your hand. As a result, your goal for every turn should be to either to replace a high value card with a lower value card, or else reduce the total number of cards in your hand. Every turn, you will gain 1 new card, and lose at least 1 card — picking which cards to lose and gain are a key part of strategy in Five. All cards are worth from 0 - 10 points, and you can never have more than 5 in your hand at a time.

  1. Look at the card at the top of the discard pile. If you want the card, remove it, but do not add it to your hand yet.
  2. Drop 1-4 cards from your hand and add them to the discard pile.
  3. If you removed a card in step one, add it to your hand. If not, remove the top card from the deck and add it to your hand.

Dropping Multiple Cards

You can only drop multiple cards if they are the same symbol (i.e three kings, two 7s, four 2s, etc.). This means that, unless you have cards with the same symbol, you can only drop a single card on most turns.

Tips for Playing Your Turn

Ending The Hand

If you’re feeling confident and would rather end the hand, you can do that instead of playing. You need to make this decision before you play, because you can’t do both in a single turn. Ending the hand is a declaration that you have the lowest points amongst the players, so only do it when you’re sure. If you end the hand, everybody reveals their cards and counts the total value of their cards:

Add up your points, and you should have a score between 0 and 50.

If you ended the game and you were correct about your assumption that you had the lowest number of points, you get 0 for that round, everybody else gets the number of points in their hand. If you were wrong, and somebody else had the lowest number of points, you get a 50 (the maximum possible score), and the person who actually had the lowest gets a 0. This scoring system means a few things:

Tips for Ending the Hand

Ending the Game

After a hand is played, add your points to your respective running total. If you’ve crossed over the score limit, you’ve been eliminated, and the game continues without you. The game ends when only 1 person is left, and everybody else has crossed over the score limit.

Extra Info

Keeping Score

Take a look at the iOS app I made, specifically for playing five here.

The application is open source, available under the MIT license, here.